Kung Fury (2015)

So if you're like me and born in the 80's, chances are you still love everything made in the 80's. Whether it's a guilty pleasure or actual love, it will make you smile. I still smile when hearing bad one liners, epic soundtracks, awfully dubbed movie scenes and terrible sound effects. I also get hyped just seeing an over the top Rambo- or Dragonball- or Princess Warrior Xena-like fight, a Knight Rider racing scene or cheap visual 'special' effects. Now add the street brawler fighting games and my heart's filled with joy and sweet chilhood memories. You agree? If yes, then go watch Kung Fury! (or read the rest of the post and then read it!)

Ok, so imagine all the awesome things that were made in the 80's combined in one epic, over-the-top, freakishly awesome movie. Kung Fury's that and more. I didn't know about this project until Youtube recommended it to me (thanks Google). Going in on a lazy evening I did not expect anything of it. In the first scene (no spoilers) you see a city skyline in fire stating that it's Miami in 1985 (it's not). While listening to a synthesizer-packed soundtrack you see some street thugs walking up to a police car and after exchanging a few well thought of oneliners they roll their skateboard under the car, kick it and thus flipping the car almost out of the world's atmosphere and I thought: This is awesome! The next scene was more epic and the one after that even more! That pattern lasted until the very end of the movie and left me kind of flabbergasted on the couch. Whatever you might expect of Kung Fury now, it is that and more! Brick cellphones, lasers, Jean-Claude van Damme splits, a Nintendo power glove, boomboxes, time traveling and a soundtrack with no one else but David Hasselhoff! I can not describe how incredibly awesome this film is.

After some digging I found out this was a Kickstarter project. Luckily other people knew of this and donated $400,000 more than they originally wanted. Some of that money went into a music video clip with David Hasselhoff and a mobile game. Both of which are equally awesome. See the video and link below (the video clip has scenes of the movie and thus spoilers).

I've said enough. Watch the full movie here: https://youtu.be/bS5P_LAqiVg. Enjoy people!

David Hasselhoff - True Survivor Music Video

Kung Fury: Street Rage Mobile game

App Store: http://apple.co/1ESIezv 
Google Play: http://bit.ly/1FYoK3n 
Steam: http://bit.ly/1FYoK3n 
Winstore: http://bit.ly/1FYoK3n

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